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- 师资力量
- 基本教学信息
- 本科教学信息
- 主讲:
讲授电子显微学的发展,电子显微镜的构造、原理、成像原理、分析方法;讲授静态拉伸、压缩、硬度、疲劳、摩擦磨损等力学性能测试方法以及与微观结构间的关系;理论教学与实验环节相结合。 - 教学项目及获奖
- 研究生教学信息
- 学科及研究方向
- 1.[硕士]机械设计及理论(080203),研究方向:结构性能导向的机械设计制造及新材料制备
2.[博士]机械设计及理论(080203),研究方向:结构性能导向的机械设计制造及新材料制备 - 研究生招生信息
- 欢迎积极上进,有志于科学研究的青年学生加入我的研究团队。每年招收3-5名硕士研究生,1-2名博士研究生。
22. H.D. Sun, H.W.Zhang et al., Scripta Mater., 2023 (博士生一作,中科院一区,IF:5.61)
21. Z.H.Wang, H.W.Zhang et al., J. Mater. Sci. Techn., 2023(博士生一作,中科院一区,IF:10.39)
20. Y.Li, H.W.Zhang et al., Acta Metallurgical Sinica (English Letter),2023 (硕士生一作,中科院二区,IF:3.024)
19. X.L. Han, H.W.Zhang et al., Nanomaterials.2023 (硕士生一作,中科院二区,IF:5.076)
18. Z.H. Wang, H.W.Zhang et al., Acta Metallurgical Sinica (English Letter),2023 (博士生一作,中科院二区,IF:3.024)
17. H.D. Sun, H.W. Zhang et al., Acta Metallurgical Sinica (English Letter),2021 (博士生一作,中科院二区,IF:2.755)
16. X.L.Han, H.W. Zhang et al., Nanomaterials.2021;11,1769 (硕士生一作,中科院二区,IF:5.076)
15. Z.H. Wang, H.W. Zhang et al., Acta Mater.2021;214:116978 (博士生一作,中科院一区,IF:8.203)
14. W.Q. Li, H.W.Zhang et al., J. Mater. Sci. Techn., 2021;78:155-169.(硕士生一作,中科院一区,IF:8.067)
13. Y. Li, H.W. Zhang et. al., Scripta Mater., 2020;187:163 (硕士生一作,中科院一区,IF:5.61)
12. H.W. Zhang, Y.M. Zhao et. al., J. Mater. Sci. Techn., 2020;44:148 (硕士生二作,中科院一区, IF:8.067)
11. H.D. Sun, H.W. Zhang et. al., J. Mater. Sci. Techn., 2020;49:126.(硕士生一作,中科院一区,IF:8.067)
10. H.W. Zhang, Y.M. Zhao et. al., J. Mater. Sci. Techn., 2018;34:2125 (硕士生二作,中科院一区, IF:8.067)
9. H. Xie, H.W. Zhang et. al. Scripta Mater., 2018;151:66 (博士生一作,中科院一区,IF:5.61)
8. X.H. Zheng, H.W. Zhang, J. Mater. Sci. Techn., 2017;33:90 (博士生一作,中科院一区,IF:8.067)
7. H. Xie, H.W. Zhang, et. al., Scripta Mater., 2016, 122, 110. (博士生一作,中科院一区,IF:5.61)
6. X.C. Liu, H.W. Zhang et. al. Scripta Mater., 2015;95:54. (博士生一作,中科院一区,IF:5.61)
5. X.C. Liu, H.W. Zhang et.al., Acta Mater., 2015, 96:24.(博士生一作,中科院一区,IF:8.203)
4. X.C. Liu, H.W. Zhang et al.,Science, 2013;342:337. (博士生一作,中科院一区,IF:41.0)
3. Z.P. Luo, H.W. Zhang, et.al., Acta Mater., 2012;60:1322.(博士生一作,中科院一区,IF:8.203)
2. F. Yan and H.W. Zhang, J. Mater. Sci. Techn., 2012;28: 289.(硕士生一作,中科院一区,IF:8.067)
1. F. Yan, H.W. Zhang, et. al. J. Mater. Sci. Techn., 2011; 27:673. (硕士生一作,中科院一区,IF:8.067) - 硕士教学信息
- 主讲:
年级 姓名 学 院 毕 业 去 向
23级 王 雍 燕山大学机械工程学院
23级 颜涵笑 燕山大学机械工程学院
23级 王梦佳 燕山大学机械工程学院
23级 孙尚博 燕山大学机械工程学院
22级 王兆基 燕山大学机械工程学院
22级 杜传家 燕山大学机械工程学院
21级 鲁 宁 燕山大学机械工程学院
21级 崔思雨 燕山大学机械工程学院
21级 陈思雨 燕山大学机械工程学院
21级 周万宇 燕山大学材料学院
20级 侯青航 燕山大学材料学院
20级 李 勇 燕山大学材料学院 (宝钢湛江钢铁有限公司)
20级 陈 晨 燕山大学机械工程学院
20级 胡志新 燕山大学机械工程学院 (中国重型汽车集团有限公司)
20级 高宇翔 燕山大学机械工程学院 (唐山松下产业机器有限公司)
20级 王 鑫 燕山大学机械工程学院 (燕山大学机械工程学院硕博连读)
19级 王小雨 燕山大学材料学院 (山东电力工程咨询院有限公司)
19级 张资昊 燕山大学材料学院 (燕山大学机械工程学院硕博连读)
19级 王昕炜 燕山大学机械工程学院 (北京中特检院)
19级 于东海 燕山大学机械工程学院 (北京科技大学攻读博士学位)
18级 李 勇 燕山大学机械工程学院 (南京理工大学攻读博士学位,燕山大学优秀硕士论文)
18级 韩晓磊 燕山大学机械工程学院 (北京科技大学攻读博士学位,燕山大学优秀硕士论文)
17级 李文强 燕山大学材料学院 (上海交通大学攻读博士学位)
17级 孙海东 燕山大学机械工程学院 (燕山大学机械工程学院硕博连读)
17级 王作华 燕山大学机械工程学院 (燕山大学机械工程学院硕博连读)
16级 赵毅铭 燕山大学材料学院 (中国科学院金属研究所博士学位)
12级 解 辉 中国科学院金属研究所 (中国科学院金属研究所硕博连读)
10级 刘小春 中国科学院金属研究所 (中国科学院金属研究所硕博连读)
09级 郑学豪 中国科学院金属研究所 (中国科学院金属研究所硕博连读)
08级 严 峰 中国科学院金属研究所 (南京企业)
07级 罗兆平 中国科学院金属研究所 (中国科学院金属研究所硕博连读) - 博士教学信息
- 博士研究生(8名):
年级 姓名 学 院 毕 业 去 向
23级 王 鑫 燕山大学机械工程学院
22级 张资昊 燕山大学机械工程学院
20级 孙海东 燕山大学机械工程学院 (已毕业,烟台先进材料与绿色制造山东实验室)
19级 王作华 燕山大学机械工程学院 (已毕业,西北有色金属研究院)
14级 解 辉 中国科学院金属研究所 (已毕业,南京企业)
12级 刘小春 中国科学院金属研究所 (已毕业,中国科学院金属研究所,副研究员)
11级 郑学豪 中国科学院金属研究所 (已毕业,北京企业)
09级 罗兆平 中国科学院金属研究所 (已毕业,中国科学院金属研究所,副研究员) - 科研信息
- 在研项目信息
- 16.企业联合、混合维度电子器件高质量形貌结构表征、2023.05-、主持
8. 现代轧制技术与先进钢铁材料协同创新中心建设项目、结构性能导向型机械设计制造、新材料制备及应用开发、2016.7-、主持
7. 辽宁省科学技术计划项目、重载轴用钢铁材料表面纳米化技术及应用、2016.1-、参与
6. 燕山大学引进人才启动项目、梯度塑性变形工艺开发、组织结构表征、性能评价及应用探索、2015.12-、主持
5. 企业联合、多型科研设备核心部件材料的微观结构与性能研究、2018.06-、主持
4. 企业联合、高速轨道交通轮轨材料微观结构定量研究、2018.03-、主持
3. 企业联合、高速重载轨道交通轮轨材料微观结构检测及研究、2019.03-、主持
2. 企业联合、高强不锈钢微观组织结构表征、2019.06-、主持
1. 企业联合、多层迈科烯颗粒的显微结构表征、2019.09-、主持 - 完成项目信息
- 13. 河北省高校百名优秀创新人才计划项目、2017.1-2019.12、主持
12. 辽宁省自然科学基金面上项目、纳米层片结构的形成机理及力学行为研究、2015/6-2017/7、主持
11. 国家自然科学基金委员会重点项目、51231006、纳米晶体金属中界面结构与成分对力学性能和稳定性的影响、2013/1-2017/12、参与;
9. 国家科技部重大科学研究计划项目、2012CB932201、纳米金属材料的多极结构制备及优异性能探索研究-多极纳米金属材料的结构设计、结构形成
8. 沈阳材料科学国家实验室、纳米小角层片结构的形成机理及力学行为研究、2014/7-2015/06、主持;
7. 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目、51171182、利用微合金化和严重塑性变形制备超高强度和超高热稳定性兼备的纳米金属的微观机理、2012/1-2015/12、主持;
6. 国家自然科学基金委员会跨地区合作项目、51261130091、纳米金属-跨尺度的结构性能研究2012/6-2015/5、参与;
5. 中国科学院重点部署项目、KGZD-EW-T06、高性能构筑金属材料与涂层、2014/10-2015/10、参与
4. 教育部留学归国人员启动基金、纳米结构纯镍的热稳定性研究、2010/01-2012/12、主持;
3. 辽宁省沈阳市人才资源开发专项资金项目-引进人才类、纳米材料的定量化结构研究、2010/1-2011/12、主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会跨地区合作项目、50911130230、纳米金属-跨尺度的结构性能研究、2009/6-2012/5、参与;
1. 中国科学院金属研究所“优秀学者”基金、强烈塑性变形材料的量化结构研究、2008/12-2012/12、主持; - 专著、专利信息
- 6. 张洪旺,王鑫,张贞,闫俊良,一种表面具有微孔结构的金属极其制备方法与应用,授权时间 2023.03.30,授权国别:中国,专利号:ZL202210360096.7.
5. 张洪旺,韩晓磊,郎利辉,唐凤军,一种可实现直管内表面结构性能优化的塑性变形刀具,授权时间 2020.07.21,授权国别:中国,专利号:ZL201922201296.4.
4. 张洪旺, 赵毅铭,一种实现直管内表面结构性能优化的塑性变形方法,授权时间 2020.07.21,授权国别:中国,专利号:ZL201811463945.1
3. 张哲峰、卢磊、张广平、金海军、张洪旺、韩忠、李鹏《材料的力学行为》(第十章:固溶、析出和弥散强化,第十二章:特殊材料:金属间化合物 和泡沫),科学出版社. 总字数:2016. (译自Marc Mayers and Krishan Kumar Chawla 《Mechanical Behavior of Materials》,Cambridge University Press, 2009)
2. 张洪旺,刘小春,卢柯,金属二维纳米层片结构及制备方法,授权时间2015.9.15,授权国别:中国,专利号:201310536227.3;
1. ツァンホンワン (张洪旺), ゴーパランラガバン (R Gopalan)、向井敏司 (T Mukai)、宝野和博 (Kazuhiro Hono)高強度・高延性炭素鋼 材とその製造方法,授权时间:2011.3.11,授权国别:日本,专利号:4696263 - 学术论文信息
- 57. Haidong Sun,Zuohua Wang, Lihua Qian, Peng Wang, Jian Zhao, Wu Zhang, Dongli Yu, Hongwang Zhang(*), Wide tuning the carbon supersaturation within Fe-C lath martensite via high pressure martensitic transformation of Fe-0.45C alloy, Scripta Materialia, 2023, 234,115582
56.Zuohua Wang, Haidong Sun, Xiaogang Guo, Peng Wang, Ning Liu, Dongli Yu, Hongwang Zhang(*), Tempering mechanism of lath martensite induced in IF steel under high pressure, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2023,160,148.
55. Yong Li,Zuohua Wang, Lihua Qian, Jian Zhao, Wu, Zhang, Ping Wei, Hongwang Zhang(*), The origin and the hardening mechanism of twinned lenticular martensite in a Fe-33Ni alloy, Acta Metallurgical Sinica (English Letters), 2023 (in print).
54. Xiaolei Han, Pingwei, Yiming Zhao, Zuohua Wang, Changji Li, Xinqiang Wu, Hongwang Zhang(*), Enhanced pitting corrosion resistance of nanostructured AISI 304 stainless steel via pipe inner surface grinding treatment, Nanomaterials, 2023,13,318
53. Zuohua Wang, Haidong Sun, Peng Wang, Ning Liu, Pinwen Zhu, Dongli Yu, Hongwang Zhang(*), {112}<111>twins or twinned variants induced by martensitic transformation? Acta Metallurgical Sinica (English Letters), 2023,36,133.
52. Haidong Sun,Zuohua Wang, Shuai Zhang, Ning Liu, Pinwen Zhu, Dongli Yu, Hongwang Zhang(*), Twinned martensitic substructure in a water quenched Fe-1.0 wt.%C alloy, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2022,35,1157.
51. Xiaolei Han, Changji Li, Chunhuan Chen, Xiaodan Zhang, Hongwang Zhang(*), Fabrication of low roughness gradient nanostructured inner surface on an AISI 304 stainless steel pipe via ultra-sonic rolling treatment (USRT), Nanoomaterials, 2021,11, 1769.
50.Zuohua Wang, Haidong Sun, Changji Li, Ning Liu, Shuai Zhang, Pinwen Zhu, Dongli Yu, Hongwang Zhang(*), High pressure effect on the substructure and hardness of IF steel during martensitic transformation, Acta Materialia, 2021, 214, 116978
49.Wenqiang Li, Yiming Zhao, Ning Liu, Changji Li, Ruiming Ren, Dayong Cai, Hongwang Zhang(*), Strain gradient induced grain refinement far below the size limit in a low carbon hypoeutectoid steel (0.19 wt%C) via pipe inner surface grinding treatment, Journal of Materials Science Technology, 2021, 78, 155-169.
48. Yong Li,Zuohua Wang, Shuai Zhang, Ning Liu, Yuhui Wang, Pinwen Zhu, Dongli Yu, Yan Peng, Hongwang Zhang (*), High pressure induced ultra-hard twinned lath martensite in binary Fe-15wt.%Cr alloy, Scripta Materialia, 2020, 187, 163-168.
47. Haidong Sun, Yuhui Wang,Zuohua Wang, Ningliu, Yan Peng, Xiujuan Zhao, Ruiming Ren, Hongwang Zhang(*), Twinned substructure in lath martensite of water quenched Fe-0.2%C and Fe-0.8%C steels, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2020,49,126-132.
46. Hongwang Zhang(*),Yiming Zhao,Yuhui Wang, Chunling Zhang, Yan Peng, On the microstructural evolution pattern toward nano-scale of an AISI 304 stainless steel during high strain rate surface deformation, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2020,44,148-159.
45. Hongwang Zhang(*), Yuhui Wang, Yan Peng, Pinwen Zhu, Jianhua Liu, Zongqiang Feng, Guilin Wu, Xiaoxu Huang, Unprecedented strength in pure iron via high pressure induced nanotwinned martensite, Materials Research Letters, 2019,7, 354-360.
44. Hongwang Zhang(*),Hui Xie, Guilin Wu, Ke Lu, Faceting recrystallization nucleation in nanolaminated structure, Scripta Materialia, 2019,159,128-132.
43. Hongwang Zhang(*),Yiming Zhao,Wang Yuhui, Yu Huaxin, Zhang Chunling, Fabrication of nanostructure in inner-surface of AISI 304 stainless steel with surface plastic deformation, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2018, 34, 2125-2130.
42. Hui Xie, Hongwang Zhang (*), Ke Lu, Boundary faceting of Goss oriented nickel with a nanolaminated structure, Scripta Materialia, 2018, 151, 66-70.
41. Xuehao Zheng and Hongwang Zhang (*), Experimental determination of deformation induced lattice rotation by EBSD technique for slip system analysis, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2017, 33, 90-98.
40. Hui Xie, Hongwang Zhang (*), Jingguo Li and Ke Lu, Local faceting in coarsening of nanolaminateds with low angle boundaries in pure Nickel, Scripta Materialia 2016, 122, 110-114
39. Xuehao Zheng, Hongwang Zhang (*), Xiaoxu Huang, Niels Hansen and Ke Lu, Influence of strain rate on the orientation dependency of microstructure in nickel, Philosophic Magazine Letter 2016, 96, 52-59.
38. Xuehao Zheng and Hongwang Zhang (*), An algorithm to analyze electron backscatter diffraction data for grain reconstruction: from methodology to application, Acta Metallurgical Sinica (English Letters), 2016, 29, 491-499.
37. Xiaochun Liu, Hongwang Zhang and Ke Lu (*), Formation of nano-laminated structure in nickel by means of surface mechanical grinding treatment, Acta Materialia, 2015, 96:24-36.
36. Hongwang Zhang (*), Zhaoping Luo, Niels Hansen, Ke Lu (*), Influence of structural heterogeneity on the structural coarsening during annealing of polycrystalline Ni subjected to dynamic plastic deformation, IOP Conference series-Materials Science and Engineering, 2015, 89:012056.
35. Xiaochun Liu (#), Hongwang Zhang (#) and Ke Lu (*), Strain-induced ultrahard and ultrastable nanolaminated structure in Nickel, Science, 2013, 342:337-340.
34. Zhaoping Luo, Hongwang Zhang (*), Niels Hansen and Ke Lu, Quantification of the microstructures of high purity nickel subjected to dynamic plastic deformation, Acta Materialia, 2012, 60: 1322-1333.
33. Xiaochun Liu (*), Hongwang Zhang and Ke Lu, Formation of nanolaminated structure in an interstitial-free steel, Scripta Materialia 2015, 95:54-57.
32. Zhaoping Luo, Oleg V. Mishin (*), Yubin Zhang, Hongwang Zhang and Ke Lu, Microstructural characterization of nickel subjected to dynamic plastic deformation, Scripta Materialia 2012, 66:335-338.
31. Feng Yan and Hongwang Zhang (*), Evaluation of stored energy from microstructure of multi-component nanostructured Cu, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2012, 28:289-293.
30. Hongwang Zhang (*), Xiaoxu Huang, Reinhard Pippan and Niels Hansen, Thermal behavior of nickel deformed to ultra-high strain by high pressure torsion, Materials Science Forum 2012;715-716:387-392,
29. Feng Yan, Hongwang Zhang (*), Nairong Tao and Ke Lu, Quantifying the microstructures of pure Cu subjected to dynamic plastic deformation at cryogenic temperature, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2011, 27:673-679.
28. Hongwang Zhang (*), Ke Lu, Reinhard Pippan, Xiaoxu, Huang and Niels Hansen, Enhancement of strength and stability of nanostructured Ni by small amounts of solutes, Scripta Materialia 2011, 65:481-484.
27. Hongwang Zhang (*), Xiaoxu Huang, Reinhard Pippan and Niels Hansen, Microstructure of pure Ni subjected to high pressure torsion, Materials Science Forum, 2011;667-669: 529-534.
26. Hongwang Zhang (*), Zhaoping Luo, Niels Hansen, Ke Lu (*), Influence of structural heterogeneity on the structural coarsening during annealing of polycrystalline Ni subjected to dynamic plastic deformation, 36th Risoe International Symposium on Materials Science. Roskilde, Denmark, 2015.9.7-11.
25. Hongwang Zhang (*) and Ke Lu, Deformation induced strong and stable nanolaminated structure in Nickel, 35th Risoe International Symposium on Materials Science, pp: 501-511, Roskilde, Denmark, 2014.9.1-5.
24. Hongwang Zhang (*), Ke Lu, Reinhard Pippan, Xiaoxu Huang and Niels Hansen, Strong and stable nanostructured Ni by light alloying, 33th Risoe International Symposium on Materials Science, pp: 399-406, Roskilde, Denmark, 2012.9.3-7.
23. Zhaoping Luo, Hongwang Zhang (*), Niels Hansen and Ke Lu, Microstructures of high purity Nickel compressed by dynamic plastic deformation, 33th Risoe International Symposium on Materials Science, pp: 317-324, Roskilde, Denmark, 2012.9.3-7.
22. Hongwang Zhang (*), Xiaoxu Huang, Reinhard Pippan and Niels Hansen, Microstructure of pure Ni subjected to high pressure torsion, 5th International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation, Nanjing, China, 2011. 3.21-25.
21. Hongwang Zhang (*), Xiaoxu Huang, Niels Hansen, Reinhard Pippan and MJ Zehetbauer, Strengthening of Nickel deformed by high pressure torsion, Materials Science Forum, 2008;584-586:417-421.
20. Hongwang Zhang (*) and Niels Hansen, Deformed metals and alloys with a structural scale from 5 nm to 100 nm, Journal of Materials Science 2007;42:1682-1693.
19. Hongwang Zhang (*), Xiaoxu Huang, Reinhard Pippan and Niels Hansen, Thermal stability of Ni (99.967% and 99.5% purity) deformed to ultra-high strain by high pressure torsion, Acta Materialia 2010, 58:1698-1707.
18. Hongwang Zhang (*), Xiaoxu Huang and Niels Hansen, Evolution of microstructural parameters and flow stresses toward limits in nickel deformed to ultra-high strains, Acta Materialia 2008, 56:5451-5465.
17. K.Oh-Ishi, Hongwang Zhang, Tadakatsu Ohkubo and Kazuhiro Hono (*), Microstructure characterization of bulk nanocrystalline Fe-0.8C alloy produced by mechanical milling and spark plasma sintering, Materials Science and Engineering, 2007, 456A:20-27.
16. Hongwang Zhang, S Ohsaki, S Mitao, A Ohnuma and Kazuhiro Hono (*), Microstructural investigation of white etching layer on pearlite steel rail, Materials Science & Engineering, 2006, 421A:191-199.
15. Hongwang Zhang, R Gopalan, T Mukai, Kazuhiro Hono (*), Fabrication of bulk nanocrystalline Fe-C alloy by spark plasma sintering of mechanically milled powder, Scripta Materialia 2005, 53:863-868.
14. Zhong Han (*), Hongwang Zhang, ZQ Yang, FH Wang and K Lu, Comparison of the oxidation behavior of nanocrystalline and coarse-grain copper, Oxidation of Metals, 2005, 63:261-275.
13. Zhenyan Deng (*), Yufu Liu, Yoshihisa Tanaka, Hongwang Zhang, Jinhua Ye and Yutaka Kagawa, Temperature effect on hydrogen generation by the reaction of γ-Al2O3-modified Al powder with distilled water, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 2005, 88:2975-2977.
12. Weiping Tong, Nairong Tao, Zhenbo Wang, Hongwang Zhang, Jian Lv and Ke Lu (*), The formation of epsilon-Fe-3-N-2 phase in a nanocrystalline Fe, Scripta Materialia, 2004, 50:647-650.
11. Xiaowei Wang (*), Jianyang Wang, Ping Wu and Hongwang Zhang, The investigation of internal friction and elastic modulus in surface nanostructured materials, Materials Science and Engineering, 2004, 370A:158-162.
10. Hongwang Zhang, Zukun Hei, Gang Liu, Jian Lv and Ke Lu (*), Formation of nanostructured surface layer on AISI 304 stainless steel by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment. Acta Materialia 2003, 51:1871-1881.
9. Hongwang Zhang, Liang Wang, Zukun Hei, Gang Liu, Jian Lv and Ke Lu (*), Low-temperature plasma nitriding of AISI 304 stainless steel with nano-structured surface layer, Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, 2003, 94:1143-1147.
8. Nairong Tao, Hongwang Zhang, Jian Lv and Ke Lu (*), Development of nanostructures in metallic materials with low stacking fault energies during surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT), Materials Transactions, 2003, 44:1919-1925.
7. 张洪旺, 刘刚(*),黑祖昆,吕坚,卢柯,表面机械研磨诱导AISI 304不锈钢表层纳米化 I. 组织与性能. 金属学报,2003,39:342-346.
6. 张洪旺, 刘刚(*),黑祖昆,吕坚,卢柯,表面机械研磨诱导AISI 304不锈钢表层纳米化 II. 晶粒细化机理. 金属学报,2003,39:347-350.
5. Ping Wu, Jingyang Wang, Hongwang Zhang and Xiaowei Wang (*), Internal friction and elastic study on surface nanocrystallized 304 stainless steel induced by high-energy shot peening. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2002, 18:132-134.
4. Hongwang Zhang (*), Xiaoxu Huang, Reinhard Pippan and Niels Hansen, Thermal behavior of nickel deformed to ultra-high strain by high pressure torsion, 4th International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth (Rex and GG 2010), Sheffield, England, 2010.7.4-9.
3. Hongwang Zhang (*), Xiaoxu Huang, Reinhard Pippan and Niels Hansen, Thermal behavior of pure nickel deformed by high pressure torsion to ultra-high strain, 30th Risoe International Symposium on Materials Science, pp: 401-407, Roskilde, Denmark, 2009.9.1-5.
2. Hongwang Zhang (*), Xiaoxu Huang, Niels Hansen, Reinhard Pippan and MJ Zehetbauer, Strengthening of Nickel deformed by high pressure torsion, 4th International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation, Goslar, Germany, 2008. 8.18-22.
1. Hongwang Zhang (*) and Niels Hansen, Deformed metals and alloys with a structural scale from 5 nm to 100 nm, Nanomaterials-Materials and Processing for Functional Applications 2006 TMS Spring Meeting. San Antonio, TX, USA, 2006. 3. 13-16.
注 * 通讯作者;# 同等贡献第一作者 - 科研获奖信息
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- 中国机械工程学会热处理分会表层改性技术委员会委员 2015.10-2019.09;
中国机械工程学会表面分会表层改性技术委员会委员 2015.10-2019.09; - 荣誉称号
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3. 2016年度河北省冶金青年科技奖;
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