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- 每年招收博士生1~2名和硕士生2~3名:见燕山大学研究生招生信息。
- 硕士教学信息
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- 在研项目信息
- 1. 国家自然科学基金,50275129,数目为4和5的少自由度并联机器人机构性质研究, 20万, 2003-2005
2. 863"计划,新型并联机床机构构型和设计方法与关键技术研究," (第一主研人参加),2001AA421280,5 万,2001-2005
3. 河北省高层次特别优秀人才支持计划,60万,2003-2008
4. 国家自然科学基金,50575197, 运动链新拓扑理论和对应有特点的数据库建立机理研究, 25万, 2006-2008
- 完成项目信息
- 专著、专利信息
- 1. 黄真,赵永生,赵铁石,《高等空间机构学》,北京:高等教育出版社,2006
2. 黄真,孔令富,方跃法,《并联机器人机构学理论及控制》,北京:机械工业出版社,1997
3. 黄真,《空间机构学》,北京:机械工业出版社,1991
- 学术论文信息
- 1. Huang Z, Cao Y, Li YW, Chen LH, Structure and Property of the Singularity Loci of the 3/6-Stewart-Gough Platform for General Orientations, Robotica, 2006, 24:75-84
2. Dai, J.S., Huang, Z, Lipkin, H., Mobility of Overconstrained Parallel Mechanisms, Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Volume 128, Issue 1, 2006, pp.220-229.
3. Huang Z, Cao Y, Property Identification of the Singularity Loci of a Class of Gough- Stewart Manipuylators, The International Journal of Robotics Research. 2005, 24(8): 675-685
4. Huang Z., S.H. Li, R.G. Zuo, Feasible instantaneous motions and kinematic characteristics of a special 3-DOF 3-UPU parallel manipulator, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2004,39(9): 957-970
5. Q. C. Li, Z. Huang, and J. M. Herve. Type Synthesis of 3R2T 5-DOF Parallel Mechanisms Using the Lie Group of Displacements, IEEE Trans on Robotics and Automation, 2004, 20(2): 173-180
6. Q. C. Li, Z. Huang. Mobility Analysis of a Novel 3-5r Parallel Mechanism Family. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2004, 126(1): pp.79-82.
7. Xu L.Z., Huang Z., Yang Y.L., Mech Theory for Toroidal Drive, ASME J of Mechanical Design, 2004,126:551-557
8. Li, Qinchuan, Huang Zhen, A Family of symmetrical lower-mobility Parallel mechanisms with spherical and parallel subchains, Journal of Robotic Systems, 2003,20(6):297-305
9. Huang Z., L. H. Chen, Y. W. Li, The Singularity Principle and Property of Stewart Parallel Manipulator, Journal of Robotic Systems, 20(4):163-176, 2003.
10. L.Z. Xu, Z. Huang, Y. L. Yang, Contact Stress for Toroidal Drive, ASME Transection Journal of Machincal Design, 125(1):165-168, 2003
11. Huang Zhen, Li, Qinchuan, Type synthesis of symmetrical lower-mobility parallel mechanisms using constraint-synthesis method, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 22(1): 59-79, 2003.
12. Wang, Shao-Chi; Hikita, Hiromitsu; Kubo, Hiroshi; Zhao, Yong-Sheng; Huang, Zhen;Kinematics and dynamics of a 6 degree-of-freedom fully parallel manipulator with elastic joints, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Volume: 38, Issue: 5, May, 2003, pp. 439-461
13. Huang Z. and Q. C. Li. General Methodology for Type Synthesis of Lower-Mobility Symmetrical Parallel Manipulators and Several Novel manipulators. International Journal of Robotics Research, 2002, 21(2): 131-145.
14. Huang Z, Wang J, Analysis of Instantaneous Motions of Deficient-Rank 3-RPS Parallel Manipulators, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2002, 37(2):229-240,
15. T.S.Zhao, J S. Dai, Z. Huang, Geometric Analysis of Overconstrained Parallel Manipulators with Three and Four Degrees of Freedom, JSME International Journal, Series C, 2002, 45(3):730-740
16. Zhao TS, Dai JS, Huang Z ,Geometric Synthesis of Spatial Parallel manipulators with fewer than six Degree of Freedom, P I MECH ENG C-J MEC 216 (12): 1175-1185 2002
17. Huang Z., Wang J., Identification of principal screws of 3-DOF parallel manipulators by quadric degeneration, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2001, Vol 36(8): 893-911
18. Zhao Y S, Lu Ling, Zhao T S, Du Y H, Huang Z, Dynamic Performance Analysis of Six-Legged Walking machines, Mechanism and Machine Theory,2000, 35: 155-163
19. Majid MZA, Huang Z, Yao YL, Workspace Analysis of a Six-DOF Three-PPRS Parallel Manipulator. Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2000,16:441-449
20. Zhao Y.S., Ren J.Y., Huang Z., Dynamic Loads Coordination for Multiple Cooperating Robot Manipulators, Mechanism and Machine Theory,2000, 35:985-995
21. Huang Z. Yao Y. L., Extension of Usable Workspace of Rotational Axes in Robot Planing, Robotica, 1999, 17: 293-301
22. Huang Z., Yao Y L. A New Closed-Form Kinematics of the Generalized 3-DOF Spherical Parallel Manipulator. Robotica, 1999,17:475-485
23. Huang Z, Zhao Y, Wang J, Yu J, Kinematic Principle and Geometrical Condition of General-Linear-Complex Special Configuration of Parallel Manipulators. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 1999, 34(8): 1171-1186
24. Zhao T. S., Huang Z., Study on Adeptability of A Seacrab and Its Bionics Mechanism Model, Mechanism and Machine Theory,1999. 34(8):1271-1280
25. Fang Y. F., Huang Z., Analytical Identification of the Principal Screws of the third order Screw system, Mechanism and Machine Theory,1998,33(7):987-992
26. Wang H.B., Ishimatus T.Schaerer C. Huang Z., Kinematics of a Five-Degrees-of-Freedom Prosthetic Arm, Mechanism and Machine Theory,1998,33(7):895-908
27. Fang Y. F., Huang Z., Kinematics of a Three-degrees-of-Freedom In-parallel Actuated Manipulator Mechanism, Mechanism and Machine Theory 1997, 32(7):789-796
28. Huang Z. Fang Y. Kinematic Characteristics Analysis of 3-DOF In-Parallel Actuated Pyramid Mechanisms, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 1996, 31(8): 1009-1018
29. Huang Z., Tao W. S., Fang Y.F., Study on the Kinematic Characteristics of 3-DOF In-Parallel Actuated Platform Mechanisms, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 1996, 31(8):999-1007
30. Huang Z. Zhao Y.S., The Accordance and Optimization-Distribution equations of the Over-Determinate Inputs of Walking Machines, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 1994, 29(2): 327-332
31. Huang Z, Wang H.B., Dynamic Force Analysis of n-DOF Multi-Loop Complex Spatial Mechanisms, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 1992, 27(1), 97-105
32. Wang H.B., Huang Z., Kinematic Influence Coefficient Method of Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis, Mechanism and Machine Theory,1990,25(2):167-173
33. Liu D.Y., Huang Z., Input Torque Balancing of Linkage, Mechanism and Machine Theory,1989,24(2):99-103
34. Huang Z., Error Analysis of Position and Orientation in Robot Manipulator, Mechanism and Machine Theory,1987,22(6):577-581
35. Zhu SJ, Huang Z, Guo XJ, Forward/reverse Velocity and Acceleration Analyses for a Class of Lower-Mobility Parallel Mechanisms, ASME 2005 paper DETC2005-84081 美国加州
36. Huang Z, Zhu SJ., Kinematic Analyses of 5-DOF 3-RCRR Parallel Mechanism, ASME 2005 paper DETC2005-84462 美国加州
37. CaoY, Huang Z. Ge QJ., Orientation-Singularity and Orientation Capability Analysis of The Stewart-Gough Manipulator, ASME 2005 paper DETC2005-84556 美国加州
38. Li SH, Huang Z. Instantaneous Kinematic Characteristics of a Special 3-UPU Parallel Manipulator, ASME 2005 paper DETC2005-84098 美国加州
39. Li SH, Huang Z. Wu J. A Novel 3-DOF 3-5R Parallel Platform Mechanism and its Position Analysis, ASME 2005 paper DETC2005-84099 美国加州
40. Ding HF. Huang Z., The Novel Characteristics Representations of Kinematic Chains and Their Application, ASME 2005 paper DETC2005-84282 美国 加州
41. Ding HF. Huang Z., Cai Y., The Systemic Research on Loop Characteristics of Planar Kinematic Chains and its Application, ASME 2005 paper DETC2005-84283 美国 加州
42. Jian S. Dai, Zhen Huang and Harvey Lipkin,, Screw System Analysis of Parallel Mechanisms and Applications to Constraint and Mobility Study, DETC2004-57604, 2004 美国 盐湖城
43. Qinchuan Li, Xudong Hu, Zhen Huang, Jacobian Derivation of 5-DOF 3R2T Parallel Mechanisms, DETC2004-57276, 2004 美国 盐湖城
44. Yi Cao,Zhen Huang,Property Identification of the Singularity Loci of the Stewart Manipulator, Proc. of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Application, pp.5-9, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2004 美国夏威夷
45. Huang Zhen, The Kinematics and Type Synthesis of Lower-Mobility Parallel Manipulators, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, April 1-4, 2004, Tianjin, China.65-76 (The keynote paper of the Conference) 天津
46. Jing Wang, Zhen Huang, C. M. Gosselin, Analysis of the Kinematic Characteristics of 3-DOF Mechanisms, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, August 18–21, 2003, Tianjin, China,153-157 天津
47. L.J.Zhang, Y. Q. Cui, J.G. Luo, Z. Huang, A novel Compound-Sphere Joint and Its Application in Parallel Machine Tool, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, August 18–21, 2003, Tianjin, China,1992-1998 天津
48. X.J. Guo, S.J. Zhu, Z. Huang, Velocity and Acceleration Performance Indices Analysis of Spatial 2-Loop Mechanism RSSR-SC, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, August 18–21, 2003, Tianjin, China,1108-1111 天津
49. Q. Li and Z. Huang, Mobility Analysis of a Novel 3-5R Parallel Mechanism Family, IEEE ICRA 2003, 1887-1892 台北
50. Q. Li and Z. Huang, Type synthesis of 4-DOF parallel manipulators, IEEE ICRA 2003: 755-760 台北
51. Q. Li and Z. Huang, Type synthesis of 5-DOF parallel manipulators, IEEE ICRA 2003:1203-1208 台北
52. Q. Li and Z. Huang, Mobility analysis of lower-mobility parallel manipulators based on screw theory, IEEE ICRA 2003 台北
53. Y. W. LI, Z. Huang, L.H. CHEN, , Singular Loci Analysis of 3/6-Stewart Manipulator by Singularity-Equivalent mechanism, IEEE CRA 2003 台北
54. Shihua Li, Zhen Huang, Rongguo Zuo, KINEMATICS OF A SPECIAL 3-DOF 3-UPU PARALLEL MANIPULATOR, ASME paper, DETC2002/MECH-34322,2002 加拿大 蒙特利尔
55. Z. Huang, Q. C. Li, Construction and Kinematic Properties of 3-UPU Parallel Mechanisms, ASME paper, DETC2002/MECH-34321, 1027-1033, 加拿大 蒙特利尔
56. Z. Huang, L. H. Chen, Singularity Principle and Distribution of 6-3 Stewart Parallel Manipulator, ASME paper, DETC2002/MECH-34237, 2002, 加拿大 蒙特利尔
57. Z. Huang, Q. C. Li, Some Novel Lower-mobility Parallel Mechanisms, ASME paper, DETC2002/MECH-34299, 2002 加拿大 蒙特利尔
58. Y. S. Zhao, Q. C. Li, X. P. Guan, Z. Huang, Dynamic Modeling of Multiple Cooperating Manipulators, ASME paper, DETC2002/MECH-34214,2002 加拿大 蒙特利尔
59. Z Huang, Q. C. Li, On the Type Synthesis of Lower-Mobility Parallel Manipulators, 2002 ASME Conference Workshop, Quebic, 2002 加拿大 魁北克
60. Z. Huang, QC. Li, Some Novel Monor-Mobility Parallel Mechanisms, Parallel Kinematics Seminar, Fraunhofer IWU, Chemnitz, Germany, 2002:895-905 德国
61. Huang Zhen, Wang J. Kinematics of 3-DOF Pyramid Manipulator by principal screws, Proc. of 2000 ASME DETC/MECH-14061. 美国 巴尔的摩
62. Zhao T S. and Huang Z., A novel Three-DOF Translational Platform Mechanism and its Kinematics. Proc. of 2000 ASME DETC/MECH-14101.美国 巴尔的摩
63. Huang Z., Wang J. Instantaneous Motion Analysis of Deficient-Rank 3-DOF Parallel Manipulator by Means of Principal Screws, A Symposium Commemorating the Legacy, Works, and Life of Sir Robert Stawell Ball Upon the 100th Anniversary of “A Treatise on the Theory of Screws”2000 英国 剑桥
64. Abdul Majid-MZ, Yao YL, Huang Z. Workspace Analysis of a new Parallel Manipulator, Technical Paper-Society of Manufacturing Engineers, N MS99-192, MS99-192-1-MS99-192-6,1999
65. Zhao Y. S., Zhao T. S., Du y.h., Huang Z., Task Space Dynamic Analysis of Walking Machines, Proc. of the 3rd Asian Conference on Robotics and its Application, 1997, Tokyo, 405-410
66. Zhao Y. S., Du Y. H., Zhao T.S., Huang Z., The Novel Approach for the Optimal Dynamic Loads Distribution of Multiple Cooperating Manipulators, Proc. of International Conference on Mechanical Transmission and Mechanisms, 1997,Tianjin, 970-973
67. Wang J., Huang Z., Zu W. B., Instantaneous Motions of PUMA 760 Industrial Robot at Special Configurations, Proc. of International Conference on Mechanical Transmission and Mechanisms, 1997,Tianjin, 921-924
68. Du Y. H., Zhao Y. S., Huang Z., Energy Consumption Analysis of Long-horned beetle walking in tripod gait, Proc. of International Conference on Mechanical Transmission and Mechanisms, 1997,Tianjin, 978-980
69. Huang Z. Zhao T.S., The Specific Resistance of Seacrab’s Walking-Legged System Model, IEEE Int. Conf. On SMC, Vancouver, 1995, 1735-1739
70. Huang Z., Fang Y., Motion Characteristics and Rotational Axis Analysis of Three DOF Parallel Robot Mechanisms, IEEE Int. Conf. on SMC, 1995, Vancouver, 67-71
71. Kong L. F., Ma L. S., Huang Z., Cai H. G., The 6-DOF Hydraulic parallel Manipulator Motion Track Adaptive Control, Proc. of the 2nd Asian Conference on Robotics and its Application, 1994,434-437
72. Wu S. F., Liu D. Y., Huang Z.,A Direct Displacement Solution to a spatial fully Parallel six-RRRS Mechanisms , Proc. of the 2nd Asian Conference on Robotics and its Application,1994,283-288
73. Qu Y. Y., Zhao Y. S., Huang Z., Special Configuration of the spatial Parallel Robot manipulator 6-SPS ,International Conference on Spatial Mechanisms and High Class Mechanisms. Almaty, Oct.4-6,1994
74. Huang Z.,Liu D. Y., and Wu S. F., A direct Displacement Solution to a six-legged six-RRR walking machine , International Conference on Spatial Mechanisms and High Class Mechanisms. Almaty, Oct.4-6,1994
75. Wang H. B., Huang Z., Kinematics Analysis of a Prosthetic Arm, The 3rd International Conference On Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, Singapore, 1994, 682-686
76. Kong L. F., Huang Z., Cai H. G., The 2-DOF PID control calculation computer Parallel process & its use in manipulator ,International Conference on Workshop on Algorithms & Computation,Beijing,1994
77. Kong L. F., Huang Z., Cai H. G The 6-DOF Parallel manipulator MRACS & control calculation computer Parallel Process, International Conference on Workshop on Algorithms & Computation, Beijing,1994
78. Liu D. Y., Huang Z., Synthesis of Planar Linkages to Generate the Specified Zero-order or First-order Transmission Function, The Sixth Inter.Conf.on the TMM. Liberec, Czechoslovakia, 1992, 143-147
79. Wu S.F., Wang H. B., Tan F.Z., Huang Z., The Relation Between Workspace and Construction Parameters of the Parallel Robot Manipulator, Proc. of Asian Conference on Robotics and its Application, 1991, Hong Kong,425-428
80. Kong L. F., Huang Z., Cai H. G., The 6-DOF Hydraulic Parallel Manipulator Motion Track Adaptive control , Proc. of the 2nd Asian Conference on Robotics and its Application, 1991,434-437
81. Huang Z, Qu Y. Y., Zhao Y. S., Special Configuration and its Properties of Spatial Parallel Manipulator 6-SPS Mechanism, Proc. of 8th IFToMM World Congress on TMM, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1991, Vol. 4, 991-994
82. Huang Z., Shi Z. D., Principle and Synthesis of Mini-Flywheel with Variable Equivalent Mass Moment of Inertia, Proc. of 7th IFToMM World Congress on TMM, Sevilla Spain,1987, 473-476
83. Huang Z., Liu D. Y., Shaking Moment Balancing of Force-Balancing six-bar Linkages, ASME paper 86-DET-167, 1986
84. Huang Z. Wang H. B., Dynamic Force Analysis of Six-DOF Parallel Multi-Loop Robot Manipulators, ASME Paper 86-DET-168, 1986
85. Yan J., Huang Z., An Instantaneous Screw Kinematic Analysis of Parallel Robot, IFAC International Symposium on Theory of Robot, 1986, Vienna
86. Huang Z., Error Analysis of Robot Manipulator and Error Transmission Function, The 15th International Symposium on Industrial Robot, 1986, Tokyo, 873-878
87. Huang Zhen, Modeling Formulation of 6-DOF multi-loop Parallel Manipulators, Part-1: Kinematic Influence Coefficients, Proc. of the 4th IFToMM International Symposium on Linkage and Computer Aided Design Methods, 1985, Bucharest, Romania, Vol. Ⅱ-1, 155-162
88. Huang Zhen, Modeling Formulation of 6-DOF multi-loop Parallel Manipulators, Part-2:Dynamic Modeling and Example, Proc. of the 4th IFToMM International Symposium on Linkage and Computer Aided Design Methods, 1985, Bucharest, Romania, Vol. Ⅱ-1, 163-170
89. Huang Z., Synthesis of a Dyad Balance the Inertia Input of Crank-Rocker Mechanism, Proc. of the 4th IFToMM International Symposium on Linkage and Computer Aided Design Methods, 1985, Bucharest, Romania, Vol.I-1,185-192,
90. Huang Z., Yan J., The 1- and 2-Order Influence-Coefficient Matrix and Kinematics of Spatial Multi-Loop Mechanisms, Proc. Of the 4th IFToMM International Symposium on Linkage and Computer Aided Design Methods, 1985, Bucharest, Romania, Vol. Ⅱ-1
91. Yan J., Huang Z., Kinematical Analysis of Multi-Loop Spatial Mechanism, Proc. Of the 4th IFToMM International Symposium on Linkage and Computer Aided Design Methods, 1985, Bucharest, Romania, Vol. Ⅱ-2, 439-446.( Yan Jun, Huang Zhen, Kinematic Analysis of Multi-Loop Spatial Mechanisms, Journal of South China University of Technology, 1985,13(4):18-27)
92. Li SH., Huang Z., Instantaneous Kinematic Characteristics of aspecial 3-UPU Parallel Manipulator, Chinese J of Mechanical Engineering, 2005, 18(3):376-381
93. 李秦川,黄真,Herve,少自由度并联机构的唯一流行综合理论,中国科学,2004,34(9):1011~1020(Li Qinchuan, Huang Zhen, Jacques Marie Herve, Displacement Manifold Method for Type Synthesis of Lower-Mobility Parallel Mechanisms, Science in China, Ser.E Engineering & Materials, 2004, 47(6):641-650.
94. 黄真,李秦川, 少自由度并联机器人机构的型综合,中国科学,2003,33(9): 813-819.
95. Huang Z. Li QC., Type Synthesis Principle of Minor-Mobility Parallel Manipulators, Science in China, 45(3):241-248,2002(中国科学)
- 科研获奖信息
- 1.并联机器人机构的现代分析与综合理论 教育部提名国家科学技术奖自然科学 一等奖,第一名,2006
2.对称少自由度并联机器人机型综合及机构分析理论 河北省自然科学 一等奖,第一名,2005
3.《并联机器人机构学理论及控制》 河北省科技进步 一等奖,第一名,2000
4.并联机器人机构学及理论 国家教委科技进步(甲类) 一等奖,第一名,1991
5.六足步行机器人的驱动仿生和机构学参数仿生 国家教育部科技进步(基础类) 二等奖,第一名,1999
6.连杆机构动力平衡理论 河北省科技进步 二等奖,第一名,1993
- 社会信息
- 社会兼职信息
- 1.中国机械工程学会机构学专业委员会, 名誉主任
2.中国机械工程学会机械工业自动化学会, 常务理事
3.中国机械工程学会机械传动学会, 常务理事
- 荣誉称号
- 学习工作简历
- 黄真,男,汉族,1936年2月出生,江苏宜兴人,教授,1959年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学机械工艺专业,现任燕山大学教授,博士生导师。
他主要从事机器人学、和并联机器人机械学等方面的研究工作。多年来,先后承担国家自然科学基金项目9项,国家863项目3项,国家科技攻关等项目共计20余项。已在国内外发表论文280余篇,其中国际著名杂志《Mechanism and Machine Theory》、《International Journal of Robotics Research》, 《Journal of Robotic Systems》,《ASME Journal of Mechanical Design》发表30余篇;ASME、IEEE等国际会议发表论文50余篇;《中国科学》及国内一级学术杂志《机械工程学报》、《中国机械工程》、等发表论文40余篇。其中129篇次被三大索引(SCI-33、EI-88和ISTP-8)收录,他引总共369次。出版专著《空间机构学》(1991年)和《并联机器人机构学理论及控制》(1997年),后者被审定为“全国高技术重点图书”。今年他的专著《高等空间机构学》又被教育部审定为全国研究生指定教材,已于2006年6月出版。
The parallel manipulator (PM) has important applications both in military and civil aspects, such as aviation, spaceflight, bioengineering and medical appliance, radio-telescope, micromechanism and parallel machine tool etc. However, its mechanical principle is much more complicated than that of the serial one. At the beginning of the 80s of the last century, there were only about 10 persons represented by Prof. Hunt who were doing the research in parallel robots when Prof. Huang Zhen was in the research group in America. In the past 20 years, Prof. Huang has done systematic contribution in this field.
His researches have been supported by three 863 projects and nine NSFCs (Nature Science Fund of China). He has published more than 280 technical papers, including 30 papers in international journals, and 56 papers in international conferences; and two academic books. He and his research group in China obtained many awards from the National Education Ministry and the Hebei provincial government. He was invited to give a Keynote Speech at the 11th IFToMM Word Congress in 2004.
The detailed contributions of his group are as follows:
The mobility analysis is the most basic task for mechanism analysis. People often use Grübler-Kutzbach Criterion to analyze the mobility. However, those results were sometimes wrong, such as:
1. In 1978, Prof. Suh enumerated many mechanisms since 1853 in his book which could not be analyzed by the G-K criterion, including Bennett, Sarrus, Goldberg, Bricard and Franke;
2. In 1984, Prof. Sandor pointed out that there was no simple approach which can be used to judge whether a mechanism mobility can be determined by the G-K criterion or not, and the judgment was based on personal experience.
3. In 2000, Prof. Merlet wrote “The use of this strictly combinatorial formula can sometimes lead to mistakes because it does not take the geometric relations between the joints into consideration.”
4. In 2005, Prof. Gogu collected many instances which do not suit the G-K criterion, including the classical mechanisms and modern parallel mechanisms.
From the analysis above, it can be concluded that the mobility analysis using the G-K Criterion often leads to mistakes, and it becomes a more serious problem recently. Therefore, people have been paying attention to the issue for about 150 years, but the real and practical value of these approaches is very limited in spite of their valuable theoretical foundations.
Recently, Rico and Ravani studied the issue by using group theory. But for the simplest issue in mechanics modern algebra has to be used, which is not easy to master for numerous mechanical engineers. In the mean time, there are some Chinese Professors studying the issue also.
Anyway, the mobility analysis as a basic issue in mechanical engineering has lasted for about 150 years and becomes a hot topic recently.
It is so difficult because it needs to find the rank of a non-linear equation system. For this matter, he find another way and dexterously avoid the non-linear matter and obtain the global mobility.
1. In Huang’s book published in 1991, he defined the common constraint by reciprocal screw of the mechanism screw system, and analyzed the global mobility of the four-bar linkage. Based on this definition the common constraint has a clear physical signification, and the order of the mechanism is also determined.
2. In the book published by Huang et al. in 1997, he further discussed the global mobility. Besides using the concept of common constraint, he analyzed the redundant constraint appeared when several limbs are connected to the moving platform. Using the idea he analyzed the 3-RRRH mechanism, where H indicates the helical pair. The correct mobility result is obtained when considering the common constraint together with the redundant constraint.
The reason of his approach avoidable to analyze the non-linear equation system is that he do not apply the global coordinate system to build the non-linear equations but just research the limb screw system by the limb coordinate system. He pointed out that it can select the most convenient limb-coordinate-systems to create the simplest screw expressions. Many elements in screw expressions will be 0 or 1, and the values of other elements are not important and need not to be consider. All these make it possible to readily obtain the reciprocal screws acting on the output, only by observation. After analysis of the first limb, the reciprocal screws of the other limbs and the mechanism mobility can be obtained just by observation or simple logical ratiocination. Another important characteristic of this method is it is quite easy to distinguish whether the mobility is instantaneous or not. Actually in 1997, the global mobility analysis principle based on the constraint screw is founded, together with the idea of modified G-K Criterion.
Then, the modified formula of mobility containing the common and the redundant constraints was given out. Although the form of the modified formula is similar to the ones proposed by other people, but it is completely different how to use the same formula.
3. For the classical mechanisms, Huang analyzed the Sarrus, the spatial 4P (the mechanism with four prismatic pairs), and the spatial RCPP mechanisms. Especially, he analyzed the important Bennett mechanism, and it is clearly and readily to prove that the mobility is not instantaneous.
4. For the modern parallel mechanisms, his group analyzed the 3-UPU, Delta, CPM, 3-CRR TPM and Orthoglide.
5. The mobility analyses of more than 100 mechanisms which his research group proposed were correctly analyzed without any exception, and all mobilities are readily to be proved not instantaneous.
Because the mobility principle and methodology only depends on the most basic part of the screw theory, it is readily to be held for person who learned the linear algebra. The procedure of mobility analysis is simple, and it can be completed just with a piece of paper and a pencil and for a few minutes.
From the facts mentioned above it is clear that in 1997 he founded the global mobility principle based on the constraint screw, and the mobility principle is successful and not difficult to use. Now there is certainly no problem for analyzing the modern parallel mechanism.
The research history of lower-mobility parallel manipulator (LMPM) including analysis and synthesis has lasted for more than 20 years, but its development is so slow. Especially, the number of LMPMs is so small and this is a serious problem. The competition of mechanism synthesis/invention of LMPM is impetuous at the beginning of the new century.
1. Mechanism Synthesis Principle Based on Constraint Screw
The LMPM is divided into nine kinds: the five-DOF PM consists of 3R2T(R means the revolute mobility and T the translational mobility) and 2R3T; the four-DOF PM consists of 3R1T, 2R2T and 1R3T; the 3-DOF has 2R1T, 1R2T, 3R and 3T. Before 2000 the research had mainly been concentrated on 3-DOF symmetrical mechanism which is relatively easy as it generally has no overconstraint.
In 2002, Prof. Merlet pointed out that there were two principles: the enumerative approach “it is difficult to ensure that all possibilities presented; group theory which is limited as it is necessary to preserve the group mathematical structure”. It is identifiable that it is quite difficult to build a synthesis theory suitable for all nine kinds of LMPMs. This is the practical situation at the beginning of this century.
In 1996, Huang synthesized some LMPMs using screw theory. Then, in 1997 the idea developed and a 3-RRRH symmetrical parallel mechanism with global mobility was synthesized in his book. In 2000, 2002 and 2003 all nine kinds of symmetrical parallel mechcanisms with 3-, 4-, and 5-DOF, were systemitically synthesized by using the constraint screw theory, respectively. That is to say, by 2003 the general and effective mechanism synthesis theory based on constraint screw had been formed. Based on the theory people can easily synthesize mechanisms with any expectant freedom. Since the mobility principle only use basic screw theory, it is easy to grasp by numerous mechanical engineers who learned the linear algebra.
Using the theory his group published 27 papers and synthesized all the nine kinds of symmetrical PMs with identical limbs, including the first fully-symmetrical 5-DOF PM and the 4-DOF one.
2. The Analysis Theory of LMPM
For the serial robot the study becomes simpler when its mobility reduces. On the contrary, the study becomes complicated when the mobility of the parallel mechanism reduces, since many new untouched theoretical issues appear. He and his research group studied the issues including the concepts of incomplete rotational freedom, and the existence space of rotational axes of LMPM. He and his research group have also studied the instantaneous motion of some 3-DOF PM based on the screw theory. In 1999 the two-dimension distribution of pitches and three-dimention distribution of axes for motion screw of the 3-DOF parallel mechanisms are built, which is useful for robot planning.
The kinematic analysis of LMPT is different from that of the Stewart platform since LMPT has more links in its limbs. Therefore, its position analysis sometimes becomes as difficult as that of Stewart, and it even has as many as 64 solutions. Based on the Duffy’s spherical analysis theory he and his research group have derived the closed solution of a 5-DOF PM. On the kinematic analysis they used the virtual mechansm method with virtual kinematic pairs. Recently they also build the Jacobian and Hessian matrices without the virtual kinematic pair, therefore, it will be more useful.
The singularity problem of parallel mechaism is quite difficult, espetially the 6/6-Gough-Stewart (“6/6” means that the upper and lower platforms are both hexagon). In the 80s of last century some isolated singular points of the Stewart platform were found, such as Hunt’s singularity, Fichter’s singularity, Merlet’s singularities. However, people had been attempting to obtain their singular loci all the time. In 2000, St-Onge and Gosselin proposed an approach, and obtained some of the singular loci.
After 1999 based on the kinematic singularity principle, they successively discussed the 3/6 and 6/6-Stewart singularities.
1. They have built the simpler polynomial expression of degree three of the 3/6 PM(the upper is a triangle), and obtained its full singular loci and identified its geometrical property.
2. Based on the 3/6 knowledge his research group have founded the simpler singular equation of 6/6, its full singular surface and identified its geometrical property. In 2004, they further studied the orientation singularity and non-singular orientation workspace, and researched on the orientation sphere to describe the non-singular space.
3. His research group have studied the singularity of the typical 3-RPS mechanism, including finding its singularity loci and typical singular configurations.
4. In 1987, his research group built the Jacobian matrix and found the special configuration of the 6/6-Gough-Stewart. It is the first study on the Jacobian and singularity of the 6/6-type PM.
For kinematic analysis of the Stewart platform, the vector method is used frequently since the mechanism has only one link in each limb and the structure is simpler. However, for mechanisms with more links in limbs, the vector method is not convenient, and the analysis procedure/formulas are also not canonical. The most typical 6-DOF parallel mechanism is 6-6R proposed by Duffy. The analysis of 6-6R is more difficult. Duffy had only analyzed the velocity of the 6-6R in 1984 by using screw theory. At that time Huang developed the kinematic influence coefficient (KIC) proposed by Tesar, and published two important papers. Huang built the first- and second-order KICs for the parallel mechanisms, and firstly found the corresponding acceleration equations and the dynamic model of the parallel mechanism. This work is the cornerstone of our mechanics theory. Actually, his many subsequent works followed that. The approach has many nice properties, such as that all equations including velocity and acceleration of the PMs are explicit; it needs not to differentiate for velocity and acceleration; the KIC is independent of the kinematic parameters (input joint velocities and accelerations) and can be obtained before kinematic analysis; the KIC in matrix form can be easily transferred to other mathematic formats, especially, from KIC to screw or right-about. In addition, the more complex the mechanism is the more convenient to analyze mechanism kinematics. Therefore, it is a very useful tool for the analysis of complex mechanisms.
Most of their subsequent researches such as the over-determine input, antificial limb, bionic walking machine, instantaneous kinematics, virtual mechanism method, etc. use the KIC method. In addition, to do the dynamic analysis of the 6-6R generally needs to solve a 186×186 matrix. However, it needs only to solve 6×6 matrices with the KIC method.
For the parallel manipulator, multiple cooperating manipulators and six-legged walking machine, there exists over-determinate-input issue. That means the number of inputs of the mechanism is bigger than the freedom of the machine. The concept is different from the so-called “redundant input”, and the latter means the case when the number of inputs is bigger than the freedoms of the output bar, for instance, the 7R robot. In 1994 his research group published a paper on the accordance and optimization distribution equations of the over-determinate input. These equations given in the paper are uniform and explicit, and convenient for application.
He and his research group proposed the bionic input and bionic structure parameters of multi-legged walking machines, and discussed the machines walking on land and under water. The machines have high flexibility and lower energy consumption and will be built in the future. This is also one of the applications of parallel mechanism theory.
In conclusion, he and his research group for 20 years have formed a more systematic theory of the parallel manipulator. Based on these works they have written a book, “Advanced Spatial Mechanism”, and will be published very soon.
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