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- 《机械系统动力学与仿真》
《计算机辅助工程》 - 教学项目及获奖
- 研究生教学信息
- 学科及研究方向
- 1.[硕士]机械电子工程(080202),研究方向: 并/混联机器人机构学理论及其应用,机器人技术
2.[博士]机械电子工程(080202),研究方向:并/混联机器人机构学理论及其应用 - 研究生招生信息
- 拟招博士研究生1-2人,硕士研究生4-5名(含学硕和专硕)
1 并联机器人理论与技术;
2 超冗余串并混联机器人机构学理论与技术;
奖励补贴: 根据工作任务完成情况发放劳务补贴。 - 硕士教学信息
- 2013级:宋春晓,一类少自由度并联机构的刚度及其特性研究(发表学术论文3篇,申请发明专利3项);
2016级:张凯超,非对称 3-RUU与对称 3-RUU并联机构运动和力传递及约束性能对比研究
2018级:张达:基于改进3PUU 的(3PUU)+(RPS+SPS+S)混联机构性能分析与优化设计(发表论文3篇,申请专利3项)
2018级:李云朋:末端为2R2T 的含两层并联机构的混联机构构型综合
2020级:冯苗苗:新型3-R(SSS(R))+3-RSR 耦合混联机构结构设计与灵敏度分析(申请专利3项)
2020级:霍炎:基于CGA 的几种6 自由度混联机构运 动学分析 (发表论文2篇)
2022级:李 博
2023级:孟凡超 - 博士教学信息
- 高添,刘亚
2022级:赵景宇; - 科研信息
- 在研项目信息
- 1 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2023.01-2026.12,项目负责人。
2 企业合作项目,项目负责人。 - 完成项目信息
- 1 河北省中央引导地方科技发展资金项目,2020.07-2023.06,项目负责人。
2 河北省自然科学基金面上项目,2020.01-2022.12,项目负责人。
3 企业合作项目,基于AOA的室内多目标定位算法开发及其应用,2022.01-2023.12,项目负责人。
4 河北省人社厅“三三三人才工程”培养项目,2016.12-2019.12,项目负责人。
5 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目,共融机器人理论与关键技术研究,2018-2020,项目主研人。
6 河北省杰出青年基金,2017.01-2019.12,项目负责人。
7 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2014.01-2016.12,项目负责人。
8 河北省高等学校优秀青年基金,2013.10-2016.09,项目负责人。
9 秦皇岛市科学技术研究与发展计划项目,2011.06-2013.06,项目负责人。
10 机器人学国家重点实验室开放课题,2012.10-2014.09,项目负责人。
11 国家机器人学重点实验室开放课题,2011.10-2012.12,项目主研人。 - 专著、专利信息
- 1 胡波。一种三转动一移动对称四自由度并联机构,专利号:ZL 2014 1 0215918.8。
2 胡波,李博。一种两转动一移动过约束并联机构,专利号:ZL 2014 1 0215044.6。
3 胡波。具有等效Tricept机构运动的过约束并联机构, 专利号:ZL 2014 1 0468846.8。
4 胡波,王莹,王安东,宋春晓,于晶晶,孙春婷。完全解耦的三转动三移动六自由度混联机构,专利号:ZL 2014 1 0742362.8。
5 胡波,宋春晓,王莹。一种六自由度混联式家用动感座椅,专利号:ZL 2014 1 0751938.7。
6 胡波,王安东,宋春晓,王莹。一种具有高活动能力的即插即用型动感座椅, 专利号:ZL 2014 1 0742060.0。
7. 胡波,李博,崔鹤。一种可实现稳定纯平动的三自由度并联机构。申请号: CN201610055839.4 申请日: 2016.01.27 公开号: CN105500347A。
8. 胡波,李博。无不期望转动的纯平动3-UPU并联机构。申请号:CN 201610338624.3 申请日:2016.05.20,公开号:CN105856197A,专利号:ZL 201610338624.3。授权公告日:2018.12.28。
9. 胡波,崔鹤,张凯超,李博。基于改进3PUU平动机构的移/转独立控制的混联装置。申请号:CN201710197372.1,申请日:2017.03.29,公开号: CN107088870A,专利号:ZL 201710197372.1。授权公告日:2019.07.26。
10. 胡波,赵金君,张达,徐璐洲,王凯,谢腾飞。一类运动学相同的过约束两转并联机构。申请号:CN 202010048645.8,申请日:2020.01.17。专利号:ZL 2020 1 0048645.8。授权公告日:2021.02.09。
11. 胡波,赵金君,柏朋,张达,徐璐州,李小钊。用于模拟舰载直升机助降的混联机构。申请号:CN201911313935.4,申请日:2019.12.19,公开号:CN 110788843 A,公开日:2020.02.14。
12.胡波,赵金君,柏朋,谢腾飞,张达。一类具有运动等效特性的含中间约束分支的二转一移并联机构。申请号:CN 202010048654.7,申请日:2020.01.17。
13 胡波,黄波,赵文龙,陈文远,宁海宇,朱勋勋。新型仿生爬壁机器人。申请号: CN201620412255.3,申请日: 2016.05.09, 公开号: CN205819363U。
14 胡波,赵文龙,朱勋勋,黄波,宁海宇,陈文远。多功能旅游杖。CN201620408888.7 申请日: 2016.05.09 公开号: CN206119419U。 - 学术论文信息
- 发表论文:
Bo Hu*, Zhiyong Liu, Jinjun Zhao, et al. Kinematics analysis of 6-DOF parallel+serial type hybrid mechanisms containing parallel mechanism with high coupling motions. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2024,16(2), 024501. (SCI检索,机构学顶级期刊)
Bo Hu*, Peng Bai. Type synthesis of serial kinematic chains with screw type terminal constraints based on adding joint method. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2023, 184, 105277. (中科院1区TOP期刊,机构学顶级期刊)
Bo Hu*, Tian Gao, Jinjun Zhao. One key issue in inverse kinematic modelling of lower mobility serial manipulators. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2022,177, 105066. (中科院1区Top期刊,机构学顶级期刊)
Bo Hu*, Yan Huo, Junlin Gao, Da Zhang. CGA-based approach for the inverse displacement of serial-parallel manipulators. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2022, 176, 105011. (中科院1区Top期刊,机构学顶级期刊)
Nijia Ye, Bo Hu*, Stiffness modeling of some 4-DOF over-constrained parallel manipulators with various constrained wrench forms. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2022,172,104821. (中科院1区Top期刊,机构学顶级期刊)
Bo Hu, Dongsheng Shi, Tengfei Xie, Bibo Hu, Nijia Ye. Kinematically identical manipulators derivation for the 2-RPU+UPR parallel manipulator and their constraint performance comparison. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2020, 12(6), 061011. (SCI检索,机构学顶级期刊)
Hu Bo, Shi Yanguo, Xu Luzhou, Bai Peng. Reconsideration of terminal constraint/mobility and kinematics of 5-DOF hybrid manipulators formed by one 2R1T PM and one RR SM. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2020, 149,103837. (中科院1区Top期刊,机构学顶级期刊)
Hu Bo*, Terminal position and orientation coupling in lower mobility robots. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2019, 11(3):031008-031008-9. (SCI检索,机构学顶级期刊)
Hu Bo*, Jinjun Zhao, He Cui. Terminal constraint and mobility analysis of serial-parallel manipulators formed by 3-RPS and 3-SPR PMs. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2019,134, 685-703. (中科院1区Top期刊,机构学顶级期刊)
Hu Bo*, Cui He, Shi Dongsheng, Zhang Dongsheng, Wang Andong, Wang Ying, Zhang Qian. Reachable workspace determination for the spatial hyper-redundant manipulator formed by several parallel manipulators. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2019,33(2),869-877. (SCI检索)
Hu Bo*, Zhang liandong, Yu jingjing. Kinematics and dynamics analysis of a novel serial-parallel dynamic simulator. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2016,30(11),5183-5195 (SCI检索)
Hu Bo*, Huang zhen. Kinetostatic model of over-constrained lower mobility parallel manipulators. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2016, 86(1), 309–322.(SCI检索,中科院1区)
Hu Bo*. Kinematically identical manipulators for the Exechon parallel manipulator and their comparison study. Mechanism and Machine Theory,2016,103(9),117-137. (中科院1区Top期刊,机构学顶级期刊)
Hu Bo*, Yu jingjing, Lu Yi..Inverse dynamics modeling of a (3-UPU)+(3-UPS+S) serial-parallel manipulator. Robotica, 2016, 34(3), 687-702.(SCI检索)
Hu Bo*, Li Bo, Cui He..Design and kinematics analysis of a novel serial-parallel kinematic machine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016,230(18),3331-3346.(SCI检索)
Hu Bo*, Wang Yin, Yu Jingjing, Lu Yi. Solving kinematics and stiffness of a novel n(2-UPS/PS+RPS) spatial hyper-redundant manipulator. Robotica,2016,34(10),2386-2399.(SCI检索)
Hu Bo*, Yu jingjing. Unified solving inverse dynamics of 6-DOF serial–parallel manipulators. Applied Mathematical Modeling. 2015, 39(16) ,4715-4732. (SCI检索,中科院1区)
Hu Bo*. Complete Kinematics of a novel serial-parallel manipulator formed by two Tricept parallel manipulators connected in serials. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2014, 78(4):2685–2698. (SCI检索,中科院1区)
Hu Bo*. Formulation of unified Jacobian for serial-parallel manipulators. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2014, 30(5),460-467.(SCI检索,中科院1区)
Hu Bo*, et al. A Comparison Study of Two 3-UPU Translational Parallel Manipulators. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems.2013, 10(190) (SCI检索)
Hu Bo*, et al. Han.Statics and Stiffness Model of Serial-Parallel Manipulator Formed by k Parallel Manipulators Connected in Series. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2012,4(2) (SCI检索,机构学顶级期刊)
Hu Bo*, et al.. Kinematics, statics and stiffness analysis of n(4-SPS+SP) S-PM. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2012, 27(3): 287-297 (SCI检索)
Hu Bo*, et al.. Analyses of inverse kinematics, statics and workspace of a novel 3RPS-3SPR serial-parallel manipulator. The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2012, 6, 65-72 (SCI检索)
Hu Bo, et al. Analyses of kinematics, statics, and workspace of a 3-RRPRR parallel manipulator and its three isomeric mechanisms. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2008, 222(9):1829-1837. (SCI检索)
Hu Bo, et al.. Analysis of stiffness and elastic deformation of a 2(SP+SPR+SPU) serial-parallel manipulator. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2011, 27(2): 418–425. (SCI检索)
Hu Bo*, et al. Stiffness and deformation modeling of a 3UPU parallel manipulator with one translation and two rotations. Robotica, 2011, 29(6), 815-822. (SCI检索)
Hu Bo, et al. Unified analysis of statics of some limited-DOF parallel manipulators. Robotica. 2011, DOI:10.1017/S0263574711000634 (SCI检索)
Hu Bo*, et al. Stiffness analysis of a planar 3RPS parallel manipulator. 2016 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering. February 18-19, 2016, Nice, france.
Hu Bo*, et al. Kinematically identical manipulators for Exechon parallel manipulator. Proceedings of 2014 Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators July 7–8, 2014, Tianjin, China.
Hu Bo*, et al. A Family of 2R1T Parallel Manipulators with Intersecting Rotational Axes. Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots II. 2015,36,287-295.(EI收录)
Hu Bo*, et al. Kinematically Identical Manipulators of a 2-RPU+UPR Parallel Manipulator and their Kinematics Analysis. The 14th IFToMM World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, October 25-30, 2015.(EI收录)
胡波, 路懿. 求解3-RPS并联机构刚度的新方法.机械工程学报,2010,46(1),24-29.
胡波, 路懿,许佳音,于晶晶.新型过约束并联机构2RPU+UPU动力学模型. 机械工程学报,2011,47(11),36-43.
胡波,宋春晓,张庆玲,于晶晶. 2(2-UPR+SPR)串并联机构雅可比矩阵的建立.中国机械工程,2015,26(7),853-858.
胡波,宋春晓,王安东,崔鹤,李博,于晶晶.n-(3-RPS)混联机构静力学和刚度模型,燕山大学学报。2015, 39(5), 408-413.
胡波, 王安东, 李周斌,高俊林,施东升,张凯超。一种基于新型4-UPS+PSPR并联机构的动感座椅运动学和动力学分析,燕山大学学报, 2018,42(1),11-21。
胡波,施东生,史艳国,张达,叶妮佳。非对称3-PRS机构运动等效机构演化及约束性能对比分析,机械工程学报,2020, 56(3): 31-40.
胡波, 张达, 高俊林, 耿雪雯, 叶妮佳, 姚建涛, 易旺民.基于共形几何代数求解(4SPS+SPR)+(2RPS+SPR)串并联机构位置正解,机械工程学报,2021, 57 (13): 102-113。
胡波, 高俊林, 霍焱, 张达, 曾达幸, 卢文娟. 基于共形几何代数的两种6自由度串并混联机构位置逆解分析[J]. 机械工程学报, 2022, 58(21): 60-68.
胡波,高添,曾达幸,卢文娟,王帅,王国永. (2-RPU+UPU)+(RR)混联机构末端约束和运动耦合分析.农业机械学报,2023,54(10),416-420.
胡波,赵金君,刘建正, 宗洪意. (3-RPS)+(2-RCR)混联机构末端约束分析,中国机械工程,2024,
Lu Y, Hu Bo, et al. Analyzing kinematics and solving active/constrained forces of a 3SPU+UPR parallel manipulator. Machine and Mechanism Theory,2007,42,(10): 1298-1313.(SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo, et al. Analysis of kinematics and solution of active/constrained forces of asymmetric 2UPU+X parallel manipulators. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Proc. IMechE Part C), 2006,220(C12): 1819-1830.(SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo. Kinematics and dynamics analyses of a parallel manipulator with three active legs and one passive leg by a virtual serial mechanism. Multibody System Dynamics, 2007 17(4): 229-241.(SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo. Unified solving Jacobian/Hessian matrices of some parallel manipulators with n SPS active legs and a constrained leg. Transaction ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2007, 129(11): 1161-1169. (SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo. A unified approach to solving driving forces in spatial parallel manipulators with less than 6-DOF. Transaction ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2007, 129(11): 1153-1160. (SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo. Kinematics analysis and solution of active/passive forces of a 4SPS+SPR parallel machine tool.International Journal of Advanced Manufacture Technology, 2008, 36 (1-2): 178-187. (SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo. Analysis of kinematics and statics of a 2SPS+PRRPR parallel manipulator. Machine and Mechanism Theory, 2008, 43(9): 1099-1111. (SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo. Unification and simplification of velocity/acceleration of limited-dof parallel manipulators with linear active legs. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2008, 43(9): 1112-1128. (SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo. Determining singularity of parallel manipulators with n linear active legs by CAD variation geometry. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2008, 23(3):160-167.(SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo. Analyses of kinematics/statics and workspace of a 2(SP+SPR+SPU) serial-parallel manipulator. Multibody System Dynamics. 2009, 21(4) : 361-370.(SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo. Analysis of stiffness and elastic deformation for a 4-dof 4SPS+SP parallel manipulator with a SP passive constrained leg. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K, Journal of Multi-body Dynamics. 2008, 2009, 223(K1): 73-80. (SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo, et al. Analyses of velocity, acceleration, statics, and workspace of a 2(3-SPR) serial-parallel manipulator. Robotica, 2009, 27(4): 529-538.(SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo. Solving active wrench of limited-dof parallel manipulators based on translational/rotational Jacobina matrices. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K, Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2009, 223(8): 221-229. (SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo. Analyses of stiffness and elastic deformation of a 2(3-SPR) serial-parallel manipulator. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K, Journal of Multi-body Dynamics,2009, 223(8): 189-198.(SCI收录)
Lu Y, Hu Bo, et al. Kinematics analysis of some linear legs with different structures for limited-DOF parallel manipulators. ASME Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, 2010,3(1), 011005 (SCI收录) - 科研获奖信息
- 1 获2011年首届上银机械优秀博士论文奖。
2 获2012年河北省优秀博士论文。
3 获2009年河北省自然科学2等奖。
4 获2010年国家自然科学基金优秀结题项目奖。
5 获2015年河北省自然科学3等奖。
6 获2021年河北省自然科学3等奖。 - 社会信息
- 社会兼职信息
- 1 reviewer and referee of Nonlinear Dynamics
2 reviewer and referee of Mechanism and Machine Theory
3 reviewer and referee of ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics
4 reviewer and referee of Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
5 reviewer and referee of Robotica
6 reviewer and referee of International Journal of Robotics and Automation
7 reviewer and referee of Applied Mathematical Modeling
8 reviewer and referee of Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
9 reviewer and referee of Robotics and Autonomous Systems
10 reviewer and referee of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
11 reviewer and referee of Advance robot - 荣誉称号
- 1 2017年入选河北杰青
2 2014年入选河北省三三三人才工程
3 2013年入选河北省青年拔尖人才 - 学习工作简历
联系电话:0335-8057031 传真:0335-8074783 电子信箱:mec@ysu.edu.cn