报 告 人:Vincent JI (嵇宁)
报告题目:Residual Stress Analysis on Mechanical Components(机械零件中的残余应力分析)
Vincent JI是法国巴黎第十一大学终身特级教授,博士生导师。现任表面与涂层研究室主任。从事晶体材料微观结构和力学性能的关系,工程材料失效分析,工程材料残余应力分析,衍射应力分析技术的开发与应用方面的研究工作。主持和参加过多项欧盟、法国科研部和法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)的科研项目。在国际上率先提出原位(in-situ)X射线材料表面力学性能测试思想, X射线小角度衍射测量应力梯度和非立方体单晶应力测量的方法,系统研究了工程材料表面残余应力分布、外加载应力及材料表面的本构关系与材料微观结构的联系,在国际上被广泛引用; 在SCI收录的国际学术刊物上合作发表了110多篇论文。与欧洲工矿企业有密切的联系,与欧洲多家能源、机械制造、航空航天企业在民用和国防方向有长期的合作;任SAFRAN-SNECMA航空发动机集团公司, AREVE-FRAMATOME核电集团公司和法国核研究中心(CEA)的技术顾问,是国际知名的专家。
Residual stress (RS) can be generated dues to material’s fabrication, forming, machining and during component’s utilisation. RS can influence material utilisation properties and their durability. It is important to determine the level and the distribution of RS on mechanical components. The origins of RS generation (mechanical deformation, thermal gradient, microstructure change) will be presented as a function of different process. The influences of RS on material’s properties will be discussed. Different experimental methods, such as hole drilling, layer remove, section method, contour method, diffraction method (XRD, synchrotron, Neutron), ultrasonic and magnetic method, for RS determination will be introduced. The advantages and disadvantages of each method will be discussed. The mechanism of RS control, relaxation and modification will be indicated. Some industrial applications and cases studies of RS control and expertise will be presented.
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